Making an invitation from digital prints with conventional finishing machines is a very complexed process. The print must be cut, then creased and even you have to do it by manual ways. These steps will take a lot of time and labor cost, but the finished product is not guarantee to be 100% consistent. Worry no more, this complicated process can be replaced with the multifunction print finishing machine Aerocut Prime/ Aerocut One.
The most of the settings and operation are intuitive, which means operators only need to set up workflow once for first running time.. Once the operator selects a pre-programmed template, the machine will be ready to finish ready-to-deliver products from original sheets right away. From cutting to creasing, they will be finished sequentially and quickly. Even when the product size and creasing positions need to be customized or adjusted, it can be easily done via the touch screen. With the print finishing machine Aerocut Prime/ Aerocut One, all invitations will have equal size, every nice creasing line will be exactly the same, and most importantly, all corner will be even and look beautiful when you fold them. Thanks to that, you can save working time and increase working production.
Invitation is the one of the major on-demand, customized and short-run applications, which gets great benefits from digital printing. The print finishing machine AeroCut series maximizes finishing process of making invitations by streamlining cutting and creasing procedures.
In the last week of July, there will be one of biggest international trade exhibitions held every 3 years in Tokyo, Japan – International Graphic Arts Show (IGAS). UCHIDA has also carefully prepared to show high-end products. In addition, UCHIDA offers a wide range of information, updates as well as printing and print finishing solutions.
Let’s get together with UCHIDA!
UCHIDA booth location: Hall 5-6
UCHIDA U-Bookletは、シンプルでコンパクト、かつユーザーフレンドリーな卓上型製本機です。1回の操作で自動的に中綴じ、もしくは平綴じ、コーナー綴じの操作が可能です。 ...
EBA 5346 シュレッダー, 自動オイル投入装置、しわくちゃの用紙にも対応した供給ホッパー等を備えた産業用大容量シュレッダーです。会社全体の書類の処理から工場での使用等で効果を発揮します。 ...