Uchida Collator UC-1200 efficiently collates a wide variety of paper at the maximum cost performance. The center feed system eliminates the need to re-position the booklet maker and trimmer each time the paper size is changed. You can now install the system in a permanent station. Naturally, Uchida’s reliable paper feed system, proven throughout the world, has been kept in the same precise structure as it is constructed.
UC-1200 has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, suitable for many environments. Flexible features help you get things done in the most efficient way possible, saving you time and cost for employees. The UC-1200 can also be connected by signal with major booklet makers available in the market. It is suitable not only for professional printer applications but also for in-house printing, quick copy/print shops, schools, and many other uses.
Operating at speeds of up to 2400 or 4200 sets / hour (A4, vertical), the UC-1200 allows for a multi-speed setting that optimizes the paper processing efficiency.
The UC-1200 handles paper sizes quickly and easily with paper types such as offset paper, printing paper and NCR paper, etc. The error detection system of the UC-1200 informs people who use paper-related errors such as out of paper, not pulling paper, jammed paper, double paper, stacked sets are full. The UC-1200 also allows users to calibrate the tray to suit each type of paper in use.
UC-1200 has a rugged construction and quiet operation, making it suitable for almost any working environment. With high speed and productivity it makes it the ideal choice for meetings with large volumes of documents.
Easy to use
UC-1200 is equipped with a simple and easy-to-use console. Clearly marked settings allow gentle operation with the key press. Numeric keys make it easy to select the number of sets for the machine to perform the coordination. The paper feeders can be removed easily without using any tools. This design makes adjusting, cleaning and troubleshooting much easier.
Rich set-up features allow quantity pre-order, set of set-up separators, speed selection and align or Criss-Cross pattern that can stack large sizes stock, such as SRA3 paper, more efficiently than conventional offset stackers.
Reasonable price
The UC-1200 brings everything like speed, powerful features and flexibility but it is at an extremely reasonable price.
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